The Answer Reparative Serum is much more than meets the eye. Yes, 50% of this water-based serum is Stem Cell Conditioned Media (SCCM) – which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. But The Answer’s highly potent and minimal formulation ensures maximum efficacy to help repair and regenerate skin every few weeks.
Irrespective of age, your skin is undergoing this “turn over” process. Skin at any age will benefit from SCCM. Want to maintain skin elasticity and brightness? Need to repair damage due to UV damage, injury, or infection? You know the answer. From lightening of dark spots and acne-scars to texture smoothing properties, The Answer delivers.
But benefits often go unseen: the support of your skin’s natural ability to respond to stress; the boost and maintenance of collagen production; a quicker regeneration of the skin’s tissue overtime. Sometimes the long-term payout isn’t immediately gratifying, but that’s life. You simply need to trust the process.
Here’s our best kept secret.
Board-certified dermatologist and dermatopathologist Dr. Emma Taylor confirmed: "The Answer is functionally the same as a PRP procedure."
You read that right. Those vampire facials, which use your own platelet-rich plasma to stimulate cell turnover and collagen production, cost around $1,000 (per treatment, and you need multiple). Alternatively, The Answer is beautifully bottled, convenient, and rigorously tested to ensure potency. Plus, it can even help your skin heal more quickly after a PRP procedure, for those of you doubling down on treatments.
What about other cell-communicating products?
The average growth factor cocktail (i.e. products) of this nature can contain 50+ ingredients. More ingredients means less room for the growth factors. That’s why The Answer is optimized with just 6 ingredients - the essential healing components, packing a punch with SCCM comprising 50% of the serum.
The Answer is for you, if you want to…
+ Smooth texture and even skin tone
+ Bounce back from a breakout faster
+ Preserve a glowing complexion
+ Age (even more) gracefully
+ Activate your skin’s ability to repair itself
+ Ramp up collagen and elastin production
Interested in The Answer Reparative Serum? Shop Now.
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